Good day ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome back to our monthly blog! We have to firstly start by saying that we are in complete disbelief at how fast time flies. Since our last blog, many a meetings and walk-throughs have been organized with various experts in a myriad of different fields, from heating and cooling to carpentry. We are studying these subjects a great deal to prepare ourselves for what’s to come.
Secondly, ‘tis definitely the season of game-changing ideas for the Janjua family. Last Thursday, the Janjua clan convened at the school to measure out the rooms and flesh out a definitive plan for each area. To our surprise, this meeting did not end the way we expected.
From our first steps in the school, we had all envisioned the gym (located on the East side) being converted into a two-storey building which would house bedrooms on the second level and the kitchen, living and dining rooms on the main level. This time, as we were moving through the building, debating bathrooms and office spaces and expressing our frustrations over the possibility of not being able to utilize the three portables as sleeping quarters (located on the West side) , an idea occurred to Zee. He suggested to scrap the main level idea for the gym and build those facilities from scratch. Where the portables currently live, state-of-the-art kitchen, living and dining room facilities would be built and additional sleeping quarters would simply be incorporated on the main level of the gym. It was the exact opposite of what we had originally planned but a stroke of genius that everyone was on board with. Et voilà! Just like that, our ideas to flip this school have been flipped. And the timing could not have been better. We were meeting with the architect the next day!
Finally the next day, after going over our new plans with Christos Kaltsas (B. Arch., M. Arch., O.A.A., O.A.Q.) of C. D. Kaltsas Artchitect Inc., his approval of the news and his matter-of-fact way of thinking really won us over. At that point, we took a huge step and solidified our first official partnership in this journey and signed on the dotted line. Many firm hand-shakes and warm smiles were exchanged and we are now so happy to be moving forward with the conceptual drawings of our new space.
With the rolling in of the first big snow fall and holiday activities taking up much of our spare time, we are continuously reminded that this is just the beginning of an arduous and lengthy journey. It is not long now that we will be welcomed into the new year, hopefully equipped with final drawings and contractors to move onward and forward. During our next leg, we will surely be writing about how sledgehammers and dust have taken over our lives and we can’t wait!
- The Janjua Family
Meet our architect, Christos Kaltsas of C. D. Kaltsas Architect Inc.! He is based in Montreal and has an office in Cornwall located at 1100 Marleau Ave. Suite #260. Tel: 613 936 8408 Email:
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